7 Unexpected Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil in Foaming Hand Soap

7 Unexpected Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil in Foaming Hand Soap

Eucalyptus trees are Native to Australia but are now grown all over the world. The leaves are dried, crushed, and then distilled to release their healing essential oil powers.

We use Eucalyptus Radiata in our Eucalyptus Foaming Hand Soap. It has a clean, crisp scent with hints of citrus. It has a slightly softer eucalyptus aroma than other eucalyptus variations. We blend it with tea tree oil and the combination creates a perfect spa-like relaxing scent. 

There are also many benefits of using eucalyptus essential oils and that’s why it is one of our favourites to use it in our soap.

  1. Respiratory Relief

One sniff of eucalyptus and you can experience the respiratory relief provided by this essential oil. Eucalyptus clears clogged airways and can help with coughs and those pesky sniffles. 

  1. Soothes Inflammation

Eucalyptus contains anti-inflammatory properties that make it a great remedy for soothing eczema, acne, skin irritation, redness, burns, and itchy skin.

This makes it a great oil to include in your daily routine as a foaming hand soap. We recommend the It’s Just Soap Eucalyptus natural foaming hand soap.

  1. Antibacterial Qualities

It was discovered in a study in the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, that eucalyptus oil has a strong antibacterial effect against several types of bacteria. These antibacterial qualities can help heal minor cuts and sores. 

  1. Nature’s Deodorant

You will notice when you use our soap that your skin is left feeling fresh and clean. The eucalyptus helps remove sweat and dirt. So why not bring your foaming hand soap into the shower? 

  1. Circulation

Eucalyptus increases blood flow and gives a boost to your circulatory system. This can promote healing and overall well-being. 

  1. Muscle Relaxer

If you have tired joints and achy muscles, eucalyptus can provide some relief. It is also a great aide for headache relief, especially when combined with peppermint oil.

  1. Relaxing

Finally, probably the most important benefit of eucalyptus oil is that it is relaxing. It calms your mind, body, and soul. Close your eyes and be transported to your favourite relaxing spa.

All the benefits can be found in our Eucalyptus Foaming Hand Soap. But don’t take our word for it, try it yourself and let us know in the comments below.